Halagu Khan Attack On Baghdad | A Short Biography

The status of the abbasi caliphate was no more than chirag sehri . The abbasi had lost its greatness and power due to the continued weakness of the abbasi caliphate .

The national organization and administration suffered from various types of disorder . The authority of the caliphs was limited to baghdad . He had no interest in state affairs .

Therefore , he entrusted all the power to his minister ibn al-qami . Although ibn al-qami  possessed great abilities , he did not prove himself worthy of the trust that the caliph reposed in him .

These internal weakness of the caliphate of baghdad to halagu khan baghdad . He knew that the conditions were favorable for the capture of baghdad.

halagu khan


There was no mutual unity among the muslims , they were divided into sects  and factions and faced each other  . The population  of baghdad is fighting against each other . The vizier of the caliph , ibn qumi was the master of black and white , but was notorious for his enmity with the sunnis.

So , just to maintain his personal power , he incited his group ang began to abuse the opponents . The caliph was not aware of the situation . On other hand ,abu bakr the son of the caliph , came to the field to take revenge for the abuses of ibn selmi’s abuses as a fellow pilgrim .

The shia sunni riot took the from of a civil war and the shia population karkh suffered a lot in this riot . The disunity and sectarianism of the muslims was a major cause of this disaster .

Apart from the shia-sunni conflict , the sad situation was also that the sunni population was not united . Hanafis and khayils used to argue against each other on minor jurisprudential differences there will be a fight  .


Baghdad had been the seat of the banu abbas caliphs for centuries and was apparently a very  prosperous city . Economic crisis , but the luxury of the abbasid caliphs and nobles and the tax collecting machinery , found the government time .

Taking advantage of this economic crisis ibn a-qami dismissed army . In a week economic situation , it was difficult to face an external attack and this was also felt by the enemies.


The city of baghdad was the home of civilization and the nobility had become accustomed to the high standard of living and the abundance of wealth and moral degradation .

In this class on the one hand , in his atmosphere of wealth made these people luxuries and on the other hand, in this atmosphere of worldlines , both the enthusiasm for jihad and the military capability were rusted . No one was ready for reform .


Ibn  AL-QAMI’S    gave proof of nation treachery when he could get abu bakr some punishment from the caliph , he decided to end the abbasid caliphate and establish the alawi caliphate and invited halagu khan to attack baghdad .

Although the abbasid caliphate was extremely weak , it was still the center of the islamic world and the muslims were spiritually devoted to it ,  So halagu khan hestitated to attack baghdad in order to provoke the opposition of the islamic world and the wrath of god .

Dont be halagu khans minister was the famous philosopher naseer-ud-din tusi ( a nasrid moral writer ) who was himself a staunch ismaili .

Ibn  al- qami requested to attack baghdad through him , so nasir-ud-din tusi encourage halagu khan by saying that if the world remained as it was after the solution of hazrat yahya and imam hussain and no wrath was revealed to the oppressors . If not , the death of mustasim and the caliphate  which  doomsday will arise with the end of banu abbas .


During his reign , mustansar had prepared a great army to meet the tatar attack , reducing the abbasid army . Ibn al-qami told caliph mustasim that the expenses of the great army cannot  be covered by the country s  income . Therefore , instead of giving them to this useless army , they should be dismissed .

The khalifa accepted this opinion without hesitation . Most of the baghdadi army was disbanded and those survived were allowed to collect their salaries from the citizens instead of paying them in cash , and this method was intended to create hatred between the citizens and the army . So that in the event of an external attack , the army would be deprived of  public support .

ہلاکو خان

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