Nur Al-Din Zengi History

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Nur Al-Din Zengi

After the martyrdom of imad ud-din zangi , his two sons nur ud-din mahmood and saif-ud-din an attempt was to make are fight with each other , but in the mutual meeting between the two brother , nor-ud-din mahmood grabbed the feet of his brother saif-ud-din and saif -ud-din embraced him .

The aforementioned miss understandings were remove and by mutual understanding the state was divided between the two brothers . Mosul went to saif-ud-din ghazi aleppo went to nur al-din zengi .

Both of them decided to figth sallys together . Jihad nur al-din zengi against the crusaders because 0f the goverment of aleppo was in the fate of while saif-ud-din supported him at every critical opportunity .

nur-ul-din zengi
nur al-din zengi


An outline of zangi s encounters with the crusaders is given below.


Imad-al-din zangi ’s last victory was the capture of the important christian state of edessa ( al-raha ) . After his death , the christian conspired with the  christian there to take back their state and suddenly attacked the city in jumadi al-akhr 541 AH ( 1146 AD ) .

The muslims immediately etered the fort and closed the gates . christian despite their best efforts , they could not capute the fort . In the meantime , a petition was sent to the service of nur-ud-din zangi by the muslims of the city . nur-ud-din zangi reached adisar with full speed and captured the city .

The christian king here ascaped in disguise . Zangi repaired the citadel and city wall as a real punishment for the traitorous christians , and left a strong guard to demand went back . 


After the failure of in edessa ( al-raha ) , the priests there met the pope  there , and you are a barber . the pope decreed that the duty of all the believers of christ is the first for the christian of the christains of the east .

A christain monk ( st . bernard ) in the presence of the king of france ( louis VII ) in a public gathering , he told the story of the atrocities  of muslim in such a way that all holy jihad including the king , got ready for the holy jihad ( cusade ) made a similar one in germany  prepared millions of germans for the crusade , including conrade III of germany .

An army consisting of serval  hundred thousand  men and women marched towards constantinople happened . Women were led by ( louis VII ) , king of france , queen ( eleanor of guinea ) , rather than louis of france .

The  special aspect of  this gratitude was that it had no grip on law and morality that the morals of this luxuriant queen and her many other obscene leaders were not only the christian but also the queen s husband was fed up.


The crusader army first moved to asia minor , where sultan masood seljuqui spread his army on the peaks of the surrounding mountains . When the crusaders entered the valleys , the muslims broke on them from all sides , thus 9/10 of his great army was destroyed .

Decided to go , but conrad ( king of germany ) was demoralized , so he returned to constantinople under the pretense of deception .


In march 1148 AD , louis VII arrived at antioch by sea from le dicea , where the ruler was queen elise ’s uncle . Here the immorality of the queen and her fellow women caused a strong reaction in his army , and from there louis took the road to jerusalem .

Where baldwin III was waiting for him. The armies of both advanced to conquer damascus , where its ruler moin-ul-din resisted the crusaders for several months . At the same time zangi wrote a letter to sultan saif-ud-din and noor-ud-din for help .

The two zangi sultan left for damascus , but their fear of the crusaders was so great that they lifted the siege and returned to jerusalem .


The andelusian contingent included in the crusaders , under the leadership of the son of the toledo , settled in hasan arima and started raiding the muslims everywhere , but due to their immorality and disorder , the christian rulers of arima requested nur-al-din zengi that he should save his life from these crusaders , so the sultan besieged the fort .He broke his wall from one place with mines and captured the city and routed the crusaders . 


In 1149 AD , raymond the christian ruler of antioch , attacked aleppo. Nur-al-din zengi had a very small army at that time , but he fought them at ansib . ( 21 safar 533 AH -1149 AD ) in this battle , asad-ud-din sherkoh also proved his bravery and killed many of his enemies , including raymond , even though he was outnumbered .


In the following years , 1150 AD the sultan launched a campaign against the christain center of afamia , because from here the christians used to attack the muslims from different sides ,

Succeeded in capturing after that the sultan had to fight against some muslim nobles and he conquered all the small and big christian forts . In which qila qal was also included .

The christian , in connivance with amir majid-ud-din of damascus , marched against the sultan , but the sultan fought both the christians and majid-ud-din at the same time . When majid-ud-din got tired , the sultan sent him a message that i do not like muslims , it is better that you make peace .( 1151 AD ).

In 1154 AD , majid-ud-din again took a bad position and the sultan captured damascus . The christians launched a full-scale attack on damascus the following year but were repulsed .

Al-qassa sultan nur-ud-din zengi fought against the christian till the end .

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