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Daulat Ayyubia – Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi


sultan salahuddin ayyubi was born in 1138 AD/ 532 AH at the place of tikrit. Early  ciecumstance his fathers name was najam-ud-din ayub. these people were ethic kurds who were respected  among the people because of their bravery and generosity. After the name of najam-ud-din ayub , the rule of this dynasty was given the name of ayubiyah .

Asaduddin sher,  A  brother of najamuddin ayub, was one of the prominent member of his family . najamuddin ayub was a virtuous , ascetic and pious and intelligent person . The rule of hurriyat muhammad al-din appointed him the guardian and ruler of the fort here salahudin’s fathers career began. 


Najam-ud-din’s  connection with the atabak family was a mere coincidence, but these people late changed the course of history . In 526 AH when imad-ud-din zangi ( nur-ud-din zangi ) fled from iraq after being defeated, najam al-din served him a lot and arraneged boats to facilitate crossing  the tigris river . 

After six (6) years  this incident , najam -ud-din ayub left tahrit and went to syria in the service of  imad-ud-din zangi. zangi honoured him greatly and made him the ruler of blacks territory by grantly and appointed him the ruler of baalbak region by giving him jagir . meanwhile , imad-ud-din zangi was killed by a slave .

noor al-din zangi , acting wisely , handed over falik to the army of damamascus and cecided to stay there himself . but the damascuse finally appointed him the commander of their army and entrusted him the command of the army.

after the assassiantion of asad-u-din sher koh imad-ud-din , his illustrious son , noor-ud-din zangi, passed over . seeing his bravery , noor-ud-din him the estates of homs and raqqa ans other . awarded with prizes and honours . In 549 AH , noor al-din ordered asad al-din sherkoh to occupy damascuse.

He  handed over the command of the army to him . so he asked his brother najam-ud-din ayub who ayub at that time write letters to help a senior in practice. Consequently , the cooperation of the two brothers noor-u-din zani ’ possession of hash bacame stable. 


After the victory , noor-ud-din appointed najam al-din s eldest son , turan shah , as the governor of damascs ( kotwal ) on salah al-din s arrival in damascus , but he did not live stayed . After his death , noor-ud-din entrusted the leadership of hush to his younger brother salah-ud-din in place of turan shah.

young salah-ud-din was very found of playing polo and had great skill in the game . noor-ud-din zandi liked this quality of his , so a very close relationship was established between the two . in 563 AH , noor-ud-din was happy and gave salah-al-din jagirs in aleppo and its surrounding areas , thus increasing his status .

During this period of life , salah-ul-din ayyubi  was under the strong and single -minded personality like noor-ud-din zangi  , which was of great use in his personality in the future life.

At that time , Egypt was under the rule of the last fatimi caliph azad , but the country s management and control was completely in the hands of his vizier shawar , who was responsible for his own duty and master of the whole mind .

He sometime overthrew the caliph to intimidate the umayyad government and did not hesitate to conspire with the christians of palestine to keep his government and power concentrated in his own hands .

Therefore , Egypt had become the center of internal and external conspiracies and rebellions . To prevent opponents from coming to power shawar want to damascus and requested nur-ul-din zangi  to invade egypt . nur-ul-din and asad al-din sher  where fully aware of the internal turmoil in egypt .

So now nur-ud-din zangi taking advatage of this opportunity , he decided to occupy egypt and appointed asad al- din sherkon as governor . Three invasions to conquer egypt were carried out in 558 AD , 562 AD and 564 AD under the command of tir ahamla asad-al-din sher koh .

As a result , nur-ud-din zangi s  control over the whole of egypt became stable . During all these campaigns  and wars , salahuddin fought with with his uncle on every front as his right-hands man. on several  critical occasion , salahuddin made the impossible to possible by great showing bravery , bravery and fighting prowess.

Conquest Of Egypt

At that time , egypt was ruled by the last fatimid caliph azad , but the country s  administration was completely in the hands of his vizier shawar . This person was very cruel , deceitful , selfish and connspiratorial.

He was the owner of imnd . He would have overthrown the caliph , intimidated the umaydin government and would not have hesitated to conspire with the christians of palestine to keep his government and power concentrated in his hands .

Therefore , egypt had become the center of internal and external conspiracies and rebellions . In order to prevent the opposition from coming to power , shawar went to damascus and requested nur a-din zengi to invade egypt .

Nur al-din and asad al-din sher were fully aware of the internal turmoil in egypt . So now nur ud-din zangi took advantage of his opportunity and decided to occupy egypt and appointed asaduddin sherkoh as the commander of the army .

Three invasions to conquer egypt were carried out in 558 , 562 , and 564 . As a result , nuruddin zengi s  control over the whole of egypt was confirmed . During all these campaigns and wars , salahuddin as his uncle s  right-hand man , fought with him on every front .

On several critical occasions , salah-ud-din  made the impossible possible by showing great bravery , courage and fighting prowess .

Governor Of Egypt

Some time after the conquest of egypt , on 22 jumadi al-Awwal 564 AH , on 23 march 1169 , the governor of egypt asad-ud-din sherkoh died . He nominated salahuddin as his successor who was unanimously approved.

Now salahuddin was the truly independent ruler of egypt . The fatimid caliph azad awarded salahuddin ayyubi with the title of al-mulk al-nasser and khalat and rewards for his services . After assuming power, the wealth of egypt was spent on the welfare of the common people .

Donations were given revival of the sunnah abbas caliph baghdad also congratulated him on these vitories .

salahuddin ayyubi


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